Docuseries & Podcast
Digital, 2022
We teamed up with Thesis Agency in Portland, Oregon to create a six part docuseries and podcast called Saga. Filmed over the course of 18 days, Saga followed around some of Portland’s finest creatives to get a look into who they are and what they do.
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Everyone has an origin story.

If you want to understand how somebody got so good at what they do, you need to understand how they came up. You need to know how it all began. Explore six unique stories revealing the journeys taken by those working for Thesis. Each chapter reveals the potential inside all of us and the powers waiting to be realized.

SAGA began with Black Excellence at Thesis (BET). We strive to honor the stories of our people, to treat each of them like the heroes they are, and to affirm all Black experiences. SAGA begins with Black excellence — and our future is limitless.

Creater & Director, Octavius A. Newman

Story, Octavius A. Newman & Shon-Lueiss Harris

Executive Producers, Keely York & Joe Carolino

Producer, Jalen Ladd

Associate Producer, Trisha Bell
Shana Andrews
Michelle Wright
Brandon Morayo
Scot Thompson
Kirstyn Wright

Director of Photography & Editor, Joshua Wann

Music, Daniel Steele

Drone Operator, Riley Brown
Photography, Ashley Walters

Gaffer, Kevin Dyer & Logan Reynolds

Creative Director, Octavius A. Newman

Art Director, Brandon Morayo

Production Assistants, Adam Kachman &Elijah Burton
Behind the scenes photography by Elijah Burton


Scouts Honor is a Philadelphia based film + creative studio.

It’s the independent practice of Joshua Wann & his friends. With over 10 years creating images, Scouts Honor partners with every client to tell their story, in the most visually compelling manner.

Available for hire

01. Film studio

02. Art & Creative Direction

03. Photography

︎︎︎ the use of the imagination in creating something wholely original

Wabi Sabi
︎︎︎ the Japanese idea that beauty is found in the imperfect and mundane

︎︎︎ the aim of our work should contain truth, beauty, and goodness